Blended working IS 21st-century working

The future is here! And has been for a while…

The art of achieving profound results comes from successfully blending face-to-face, virtual, synchronous and asynchronous methods in ways that work with human dynamics, to achieve results.

With the right consideration, poor meeting practices that pervade our workplaces do not have to translate into these blended environments. In fact, there’s an opportunity to amplify the connection and collaboration that’s so needed in the world right now, even when we can’t all be in the same place and at the same time.

It has been said that necessity is the mother of invention. Our hope is that increased opportunities to work virtually will embed some powerful ways of working that also help our planet.

Now more than ever, we have amazing technology on people’s desktops and in mobile devices that allow us to connect and collaborate in multiple ways. However, the technology alone does not create the conditions for effective meetings.

The oft-stated concern of working virtually is the risk of losing our ability to connect and collaborate well, as people.

And this when, probably even more than usual, we need to connect and collaborate effectively. So, what’s the solution? Cancel our meetings or find better ways of working across geographical time and space? We plumb for the latter.

In times of short-term challenge, we are often pushed to experiment with innovative, blended ways of working to achieve the results needed. And our experience is that these innovations lead to shifts in how people continue to work together.

Herein lies what we see as an opportunity for longer-term impact: the need to work with constraints to develop creative solutions results in not only in shifted ways of working but also substantially reduce costs and carbon footprints.

It has been said that necessity is the mother of invention. Our hope is that this opportunity will embed some powerful ways of working that also help our planet.

We believe that blended working IS 21st-century working!

Here are some previous musings on the subject if you fancy a deeper dive:

Also, if you would like to join us in fine-tuning your blended working practices and would like some help, have a look at signing up to our webinar series or get in touch. We’re all in this together, even when we’re miles apart!

Image created by our fabulous partners at Crowley and Co.