Survey – Meetings Research

Using meeting statistics to understand meeting mindsets and outcomes.

We know that our meeting design and facilitation techniques can transform the way your organisation conducts its meetings. And because meeting culture and organisational culture are strongly related, what we do can ultimately change your organisation — styles, methods and success outcomes.

We’re driving an important initiative to measure and understand the way meetings work and what people feel about their meetings. The statistics emerging from our survey make for fascinating reading — see some headline results below — and we invite you to get stuck in with your own survey feedback.

Survey Result

What percentage of decisions taken during a meeting result in action?

Meetings, they say, are gatherings at which few decisions are taken and where fewer still actually result in action. Our survey feedback shows that this fear is entirely justified: respondents felt only about 10% of taken decisions resulted in post-meeting action. Gulp.

Find out how we can help your meetings drive actionable decisions.

Source: Meeting Magic online survey. These statistics are updated as new data becomes available. Add your voice to the numbers.

Survey Result

What percentage of the time you spend in meetings do you consider unproductive?

A lot of people feel their work comprises large blocks of time spent dealing with excessive email, punctuated by unnecessary interruptions and broken up by pointless meetings. While that might be a bit of gloomy humour, it’s clear from our survey that respondents feel nearly half of their time in meetings qualifies as wasted. Ouch.

Find out how we can help your meetings much more productive — and happier places to be.

Source: Meeting Magic online survey. These statistics are updated as new data becomes available. Add your voice to the numbers.

Survey Result

What percentage of a manager’s time is spent in meetings?

It seems that the higher up the management food chain you are, the more likely it is that most of your time will be spent in meetings. Our survey respondents are telling us that they burn somewhere between 50% and 75% of their time at the meeting table. And while a properly designed meeting process can be hugely productive, the holy grail must be to do fewer meetings at higher rates of productivity.

We can help with that.

Source: Meeting Magic online survey. These statistics are updated as new data becomes available. Add your voice to the numbers.