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About us

Meet our Founder

Katherine Handy-Woods

I feel deeply and strongly that we are more together than we are apart and yet, today we are living in a pandemic of disconnection.

Creating time and space for human spirit to show up is at the heart of my work for it is trusting connection that is the foundation of all collective work.

I have studied human systems, trained in facilitating collaboration and worked with collectives for most of my career and remain committed to creating experiences where people can feel the benefits of being connected together to do good work, to learn and make change in the world.

I bring all of myself to my work including;

  • my life experience as a biracial woman and single mother.
  • my experience of founding and running a small global consultancy over 25 years.
  • my academic study and practical experience of Gestalt, group dynamics and behavioural science.

Our Network

25 years of working in this field means we have an extensive network of amazing consultants who specialise in different aspects of organisational and behavioural work.

For each client project we put together the relevant (and, we like to think, perfect) team for the work.

Dr Gillian Shapiro

Gilly is a practitioner in Gestalt, Systems Dynamics and Behavioural Science. She helps her clients explore and harness multiple perspectives, bring more of who they are and build collaboration between those who are thinking differently. As a result, people feel more connected at work, valued as one team and see themselves, those around them and the organisation flourish.

Rowan Gray

Rowan is a consultant and Gestalt psychotherapist with an interest in how to move people, teams and organisations through change.


Vicky Waring

Vicky works with us and our clients to provide technical support in virtual and hybrid meetings.

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Sarah Perry

Sarah’s education in languages and experience in founding a non-profit organisation means she is superbly placed to work with multicultural groups and leadership teams. She is also our resident expert in the tech for collaboration  – working with clients to support profound work in online meetings.

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Sara Rodwell

Sara is the logistical force behind Meeting Magic. Whether it’s organising complex travel arrangements, ensuring we have the equipment we need for live events or managing the complexity of multiple diaries, Sara is always super organised, proactive and reassuring.

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Mary Hart

Mary helps us with everything financial and spreadsheety. With a background in science and finance,  she is logical, practical and has an eye for detail, she brings a difference that we really appreciate as she helps us all get paid!

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Susi Watson

Susi has a creative and holistic approach to working with groups. She  supports group work with graphic recording, facilitation and virtual tools that enable effective  collaboration in complex situations.

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Gnanam Devadass

Gnanam’s education as a lawyer lead him into social activism, working for Amnesty International, where he developed his interest in social change and organisational development.

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Warren Miller

Warren is the founder of Fountainworks, a boutique consultancy based in North Carolina, USA. Warren has a deep understanding of groups, collaboration and social change and Fountainworks is a valued strategic partner of Meeting Magic.

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Steve Apps

Seve is a consultant, facilitator and cofounder of the Association of Business Physchologists, ABP. Seve has been part of our Network since our foundation and is a valued fellow collaborator.

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John Ogier

John is a consultant, facilitator and trainer. A long standing member of our Network, Based in Sydney, John helps us provide local support to our Apac clients.

What makes us different

It is always a bit of a risk, bringing an external consultant into your organisation – it’s your reputation on the line if they are any good or not.

We get that!

And, of course, this is made harder by the fact that there are lots of consultants out there all saying they are brilliant.

So, here are some of the things that make us stand out

  • We have been doing this for 25 years – we are respected amongst our peers as leaders in the field and regularly host training sessions for other facilitators who learn from our expertise.
  • We have clients who have taken us into every organisation they have worked with.
  • We have grown through word of mouth – once people experience how we work, they refer and recommend us.
  • We respect that you are experts in your business, and we partner with you to blend our expertise with yours.
  • We go the extra mile. we know we aren’t the cheapest, but we pride ourselves on our efficacy and, once we are working alongside you we are in!

….. if that doesn’t persuade you

listen to what our clients say in these podcasts ..

…. or gives us a call and get the measure of us

….. and, if you need further convincing, we will put you in touch with one of our existing clients.

Developing adaptability ready for change – WWF

Are we being met in our meetings?

The future of group working and how to create a community within an organisation with Katherine Handy-Woods

We believe in community. Driving positive change in the world can be tough, so we need to do it together and support one another.