Join our community

A space to connect, share and learn with collaborative changemakers from around the world in different sectors.

Our community

We believe in community. Driving positive change in the world can be tough, so we need to do it together and support one another.

Since 2020 we have been we have been convening our network of change agents. Our community is all about reciprocity – about sharing, learning and supporting one another so that we can collectively create a more positive change in the world. We believe we are more together.

One of the ways we do this is through our community conversations. roughly every 6 weeks we convene a session, co-hosted with a member of the community to experiment and explore a topic. Last year we covered a wide range of topics including; 

  • Work – what is it and is it working for you?
  • Wellbeing at work: oxymoron?
  • Lifelong learning –  fact or fallacy?
  • Inclusion is a human dynamic, not a policy

2024 community conversation dates – topics will be updated as they emerge…

Thursday 18th April – Busyness is an anti-change agent – with Rowan Gray

Thursday 6th June – Dying to talk: facing death, embracing life – with Joan Scarrott

Thursday 11th July – Meeting your creative magic – with Kat Mahale

Thursday 19th September

Thursday 7th November

Thursday 19th December

Each conversation is hosted on Zoom at 12:15 to 2:15pm UK time. Links and details will be provided on sign up.

To keep informed about our news and  further FREE community conversations, sign up to our Newsletter below. Or read our blog.

Services Conference Large Circle

True community is based upon equality, mutuality, and reciprocity. It affirms the richness of individual diversity as well as the common human ties that bind us together.

Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, poet, author and civil rights activist
To keep informed about our news and further FREE community conversations,
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