• What the world needs from us right now…

    What the world needs from us right now…

    Our premise… The world is experiencing disruption on a global scale through the CV19 pandemic. You might have noticed? Stating the obvious aside, it’s broadly being recognised that this disruption creates the potential for us to rethink how we live, how we work together, how we exist on this planet. We believe that the application…

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  • Vanquishing Meeting Monsters!

    Vanquishing Meeting Monsters!

    This week we came across Pilita Clark’s article in the Financial Times titled ‘Tackling the virus of bad meetings”. We were struck to read something so prominently placed in the National press about the prolific problem of poor meetings and poor meeting behaviours. Instead of just quoting the stats about how much time is wasted…

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  • 9 months in… how are we doing, virtually?

    9 months in… how are we doing, virtually?

    So here we are, seven months later, nine months into the pandemic, and… we do seem to be collectively progressing along the graph. After the initial scramble of coming to terms with CV19, pretty much everyone got onto Zoom or Teams or some other online platform and started to convert their face-to-face working practices into…

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  • What does it take to change?

    What does it take to change?

    There is a lot of myth and legend about what it takes to make sustainable change in organisations and, as every organisation is different, it can be hard to tell what really works. So, we thought it might be valuable to put our combined 50 years of working in change to the task of coming…

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  • Changing business culture through meetings

    Changing business culture through meetings

    I work for all kinds of large organisations. They are all fascinatingly different — that’s why l love my job! And yet, I’ve not yet met an organisation that’s got it cracked when it comes to harnessing the power of people working together in a consistent and scalable way. I see impressive facilities and infrastructure, talented…

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  • Interesting facts about meetings in the UK

    Interesting facts about meetings in the UK

    I am just back from speaking at a conference for the Meeting Industry Association. Most of the delegates were sales and marketing representatives from meeting venues. Through the course of the morning, I gleened some interesting statistics, that I thought I would share:

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  • Purpose, Outcomes and Outputs

    Purpose, Outcomes and Outputs

    I have completely disappeared off this blog for the last couple of months, as I have been publishing my new book (‘Meeting Magic’ available on this page @ £9.99). However, I have reappeared from the mysterious world of book publishing and now vowe to keep this blog more up to date. Today’s message is about having aligned purpose, outcomes…

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