• Leadership ~ liberating the leader in each of us

    Leadership ~ liberating the leader in each of us

    Following on from the last blog, in which I questioned our fixation on leadership, I co-hosted a community conversation about the topic of leadership with Jae Sloan. In this blog I share some of the things that stood out for me in the conversation, along with the many questions this conversation brought up. The leadership…

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  • The leadership conundrum

    The leadership conundrum

    We are fixated with leadership. Billions of dollars, pounds and euros are invested in leadership each year – finding, recruiting and developing the right leaders for today and tomorrow. Yet despite this, so much disappointment is being laid at the feet of leaders right now. Of course, the path of least resistance is to blame…

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  • Changing the way we go about organisational change

    Changing the way we go about organisational change

    As I look out over the slice of the business world I can see, I feel a sense of injustice at some of the work that is being done by consultants in the name of organisational change. The big consulting firms, McKinsey, Boston Consulting, Bain, KPMG, PwC, Deloitte et al, are propagating a version of organisational change…

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  • Dying to talk – facing death, embracing life

    Dying to talk – facing death, embracing life

    Last week’s community conversation, Dying to talk – facing death, embracing life, went far and wide. What stood out for me was the sacred energy that formed as we connected in our mortal humanness. Death and dying impacts us all and so it connects us all, as humans. Many of the community have experienced loss,…

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  • Busyness is an anti-change agent

    Busyness is an anti-change agent

    Words can’t really express what a profound conversation we had last week in the community conversation about busyness, co-hosted with Rowan Gray. The session was aimed at exploring the connection between busyness, non-busyness and change through an experiment using movement. The nature of experiential and experimental work makes it hard to summarise the session, so I…

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  • Making the invisible visible

    Making the invisible visible

    Making the invisible visible: learning to see and work with human dynamics is at the heart of all work on culture Human system dynamics, the subtle yet potent forces that shape interactions between individuals, remain largely unseen within the fabric of most organisations. These dynamics encompass elements such as trust, power, conflict, and emotions –…

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  • Group Superpowers

    Group Superpowers

    I believe in the power of groups in a world where this belief is not widely held. We live and work in groups, and yet the mindsets and skillsets needed to work with groups intentionally are rare – it is a blend of art and science that only a few weirdos like me invest the…

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  • Community – A Group of People

    Community – A Group of People

    A community is a group of people The word, community seems to be more prevalent today in organisations, workplaces and in society. I see it on the walls of the leisure centre, in communication from my local council, in letters from school. In these settings community refers to people with a common interest, who share the…

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  • Groups – why bother?

    Groups – why bother?

    Why groups are so important In our lives, we are constantly surrounded by groups – from our families to our workplaces. Yet, it’s curious how learning to navigate group dynamics isn’t a core part of mainstream education. Our earliest experiences in groups, often within our families, shape our patterns of interaction. Unless we consciously work…

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  • The Joy and pain of working in groups

    The Joy and pain of working in groups

    As someone who loves groups and community, am lucky enough to have lots of positive experiences of groups but I realise this is not common for everyone. Working in groups can create mixed experiences – from the exhilarating joy of deep connection to the deep discomfort of unresolved conflict. The joy of group working Many…

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